Thursday, April 19, 2012

Camping Trip

"What if everyone owned the wilderness? What if both rich and poor could spend time out in the open? What if we could save the forests for all the children to come?"
That is what Barb Rosenstock asks in The Camping Trip That Changed America: Theodore Roosevelt, John Muir, and Our National Parks. The children have been engrossed in this historical account of a 1903 camping trip taken in the Yosemite wilderness by one of America's most notable naturalists and the president who set aside more wild space than any other. They love the story John Muir tells about coming upon a bear - and making a grave mistake about the nature of bears. They really like it when the two men awaken to a coverlet of snow. But the best part is when we show them photographs of Yosemite National Park mentioned in the book. That is when they want to share their stories...which parks they have visited, which they are going to this summer. I am grateful for all the wilderness set aside by the camping trip almost 109 year ago.

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