Friday, March 4, 2011

New Arrivals

Giddiness presides when a shipment of new books arrives in the library. A message arrives from the book vendor, alerting us to the arrival. We upload the records from that message to our library catalog and know which books will be in the boxes. Still, there is excitement as the books are taken from the boxes and checked against the packing slip.

They are shiny in their mylar coverings, without fingerprints. We exclaim over the titles, books we have read and are eager to share with students and colleagues. We revisit a few, remembering why we selected them. We reread others, enjoying the artwork and stories again.

Usually, we save the books till we can schedule a Books and Blondies event, but some titles go right to the shelves. Today, a lucky first grade class spied brand new copies of Helen Lester's Tacky books when they got to the story steps. In minutes, they were all in children's hands!


  1. this looks like a very familiar mail slot...

  2. I should think so. It's so unique. Getting a delivery through that slot makes my boys think of the Dursley's home.
