Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Courage is...

Bernard Waber's book Courage is our read-aloud selection for the first week of school. The children provide so many definitions for courage, mentioning how it requires encouragement from others and how a person must do things unexpected and often difficult to be deemed courageous. They love the examples Waber provides, especially ones to which they can easily relate (going to bed without a nightlight, for example). I love this one:

"Courage is not peeking at the last page of your whodunit book to find out who did it."

I might classify that more as self-restraint, but I am waiting till the end of my latest Commissario Brunetti mystery (Death and Judgment) to discover who did it.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you ae enjoying the Brunetti family! It takes a great deal of courage tom restrain myself from dropping everything just to read when I pick up an interesting book. PS. I like to sleep with a nightlight on, too!
