Saturday, August 4, 2012


The Wild West comes alive in the latest Circus Juventas performance, and it is not for the faint-hearted. Lauren Stringer (seen here in the sheriff's office) wrote the script for the show (and painted the sets), set in the small town of Tumbleweed. There are outlaws, suffragettes, painted ladies, prospectors, and some famous folks who frequent the circus floor, and all of them are incredibly talented performers. Imagine writing a script with the vision to see just how performers will entertain while juggling, balancing on the high wire, hanging and twisting on ropes, hoops, and bars, and walking fearlessly on the wheel of steel! Lauren did that and more, tying to together a story and characters into one entertaining event.

There are still many performances still to come. Go to for more information!


  1. I am so glad you and your family could make it to the show, Library Jewel! Writing the script and painting the sets feels like making a picture book on a large scale and having it come to life-- what an honor to write and paint for these performers!

  2. amazing to contemplate what one beautiful brain can do.

  3. Haven't been there for a long time since some of my students were performers. Guess I'd better get some tickets.
