Sunday, July 22, 2012

Boxes and Bubble Wrap

When the boys were little, we did not need elaborate toys and games. A large box from an appliance purchase would keep them entertained for days. A corrugated "house" once stayed in our living room for 6 months.

And then there is bubble wrap. They have always loved it. Still do. Whenever a book shipment arrived wrapped in the air-filled bubbles, the library staff set it aside for the boys. It is difficult to resist the urge to pop those bubbles. Both the sound and the feel is satisfying.

In Peter McCarty's new book Chloe, the middle rabbit child (with 10 older brothers and sisters and 10 younger brothers and sisters) is the only one not excited when her father brings home an addition to the family. It is not another rabbit. A television is the attraction for the rest of the family, but Chloe and her stuffed bunny refuse to watch. The box and the bubble wrap are far more appealing. Eventually, her siblings catch the enthusiasm. Children will love reading this book about simple entertainment!


  1. Cardboard boxes also help to teach some important concepts. While teaching 7th graders, my students would draw a preposition written on a piece of paper inside a hat (over, above, in, by, inside, near, etc.) and the student would act it out, using a large box I provided, while members of various teams of students would try to guess the word. Instruction and competition. Sounds silly, but it worked all the time.

  2. love kate's language lesson plan, and the thought of the boys playing with boxes and bubble wrap. love that sign, too. it looks most familiar ( - ;
