Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Recycled Book Art

The book has been weeded. Its circulation was zero. Some of the pages were loose. Some had markings done by a younger sibling. Yet, scissors in hand, it felt strange to do as I planned. Instead of recycling the book, I recycled the art, creating a note of thanks for a friend from Nancy Willard's The Mountain of Quilts, illustrated by Tomie de Paola. I carefully cut images to use in a collage, noting which side of the pages had the artwork I most wanted to reuse. The new creation has echoes of the old. The recipient will, I hope, appreciate the design and the sentiment.


  1. I love this recycling idea! Such a beautiful creation and so meaningful.

  2. And I think your use of the weary edition of her book would delight Nancy Willard.

  3. What a wonderful, final use for the book. Such a happy destination than the trash!

  4. So, it wouldn't offend you, David, if someone used a well-loved book of yours that way?

  5. The thank you card was VERY much appreciated!!!!! What a great use for a "weeded" book. So creative.
