Wednesday, June 29, 2011
What to Take
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Tops and Bottoms
Take a break from sorting out tops and bottoms of produce this summer and revisit that 1996 Caldecott Honor Book. And try that recipe as well. It was a keeper in our collection. For more information about CSAs, visit the website for ours:
Monday, June 27, 2011
Coming Soon: The Haunted Hamburger!

David's first copy arrived on Friday, and I eagerly looked at the final versions of the stories and illustrations this morning, anxious to purchase copies for young readers I love. Each story has a twist to make readers smile. My favorite line (and David's too) comes after that haunted hamburger is revealed on a tree stump in the woods. The ghost children say, "And we thought hot dogs were scary!"
Join David (and me) at the Red Balloon on Saturday, August 13th, at 2:00 p.m. for the publication party.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Library Talk
After waving to my colleague at the reference desk, I greeted two boys and their mom who love is now in 7th grade and one is in 4th. Their summer reading charts were in their hands, so I inquired about how many hours they have logged so far. The younger brother beamed as he showed me the 20 hours completed on his log sheet. "And I read three hours and twenty minutes this morning to get it done," he proclaimed proudly. His older brother told me he had also logged 20 hours. I then asked if there were any favorite books so far. "None," said the younger. "I just love reading anything." He eyed my stack of books. I told him I would need at least three hours and twenty minutes to finish them. I plan to start now.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
How Clean is Your House?
Monday, June 20, 2011
P is for Planning
On my kitchen floor this afternoon are photos of one niece with Post-it notes to remind me which ones go with which letter. A is for Artwork (a snowman picture she made in kindergarten). B is for Buddy (their new puppy) and Birds (at the zoo). C is for Cut-out Cookies (made with Grandma and her little sister) and Christmas. As I take stock, I struggle with J, N, U, and X (which usually ends up be eXcellent ______ or eXtraordinary). But Y is easy. This book is all about her, so it will be You in many different photographs.
Will she love these ABC books as much when she is 18? I hope so. For now, I must keep Searching for More Photos and Matching Words and Phrases with her Past Year.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Have You Read? #17
Drawing the images together are essays by seven Minnesota authors. Will Weaver tells the history of libraries in the United States, from Benjamin Franklin's lending library (from which one could borrow only with a paid subscription) to Horace Mann's revolutionary idea that schools provide books for students' common good to my personal library hero Andrew Carnegie's funding of free libraries (65 of which were built in Minnesota alone). Pete Hautman tells of how he was not much of a reader yet one summer became enamored with Jim Kjelgaard's dog stories. John Coy takes readers along his own journey of libraries that shaped his reading life, from the bookmobile visits to his Falcon Heights neighborhood to the beautiful and dignified St. Anthony Park library he frequents most often today. Nancy Carlson writes about how well she came to know her Edina Public Library through the "Summer Reading Carnival" of 1963. Marsha Chall brings readers to 1963 also with her memories of the Webber Park Library. David LaRochelle embarked on the path to Pirate's Treasure Hunt during the summer between elementary school and junior high school, adding From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler to his reading log first...and was later disappointed that he could only add two of the twelve titles he had read to his quest for the treasure. Kao Kalia Yang provides a glimpse of the immigrant's perspective of library visits.
As I read their words, I could not help but visit the Marathon County Public Library in my own mind. I can describe that place accurately still. I imagine the lighting in the yellow stairwell, the drinking fountain, the coat hooks, the bath tub where lucky kids could read. Magic stirs minds at the library. I feel it still.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Weeding at Home
Friday, June 17, 2011
Stack of Books
- Bird in a Box by Andrea Davis Pinkney - Wonderfully woven stories from three young narrators told in 1936 and 1937 and centered on the hope sparked by Joe Louis in the African American community
- The Glorious Adventures of the Sunshine Queen by Geraldine McCaughrean - Supposed to be a humorous account of a girl's journey downstream about a paddle steamer in the 1890s...I get to start this one tomorrow
- The Complete Works of William Shakespeare - I'm working through "The Tempest" again, thanks to Holling Hoodhood in The Wednesday Wars.
- The Madonnas of Leningrad by Debra Dean - One of my former high school colleagues recommended this historical fiction novel two weeks ago. Its the story of an incredible museum tour guide's descriptions of the paintings that have been removed from the frames in 1941.
The talk among teachers in the summer often turns to books and what we are reading. After the graduation party I attended tonight, I reserved three more books! The stacks never seem to diminish, just change in colors and titles.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Recycled Book Art
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
May Amelia Jackson lived in much the same way back in 1900 in Washington State along the Nasel River. This fictitious young girl suffered the taunts of seven brothers (only a few of whom were ever nice to her) and a father who saw no need for girls. The boys mercilessly called her names, yet May Amelia finds trouble for herself, all the while looking for her sisu, her Finnish guts and courage. The Trouble With May Amelia by Jennifer L. Holm is a worthy sequel to her Newbery Honor book of 2000.
Some friends completely understand that gender bias in my household and bring me plants or flowers or blood orange blossoms (thanks to another former man cave dweller for bringing me this B.T. McElrath Chocolatier product yesterday).
Monday, June 13, 2011
Woven Words
First-time novelist Gretchen Woelfle weaves words from William Shakespeare and Elizabethan England throughout her historical fiction novel told in five acts. Kit Buckles is the ruffian narrator whose career as a cutpurse is cut short at the Theatre when he is caught by an apple-selling girl. He must work off his sentence spreading nut shells on the dirt floor and doing odd jobs at his master's whim. Kit's passion for language blooms as he listens to rehearsals and practices lines with other young people. But his interactions with Will Shakespeare are the keys to Kit's discovery of his life's calling, what Will calls his dance of life.
The playwright's words woven effortlessly amidst the narrative keep the historical connections foremost in the reader's mind. The author manages to link Kit's eventual decision to be a carpenter with the first play Shakespeare writes for the new Globe Theatre: Julius Caesar. So many readers expressed interest in Shakespeare over the past school year, thanks to one motivating teacher. There will be an audience for this book when school begins again.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Sonorous Stories
When the students finished ringing, they brought the bells (even these enormous bass bells) to the older people for them to hold and try ringing. More important, they shared stories about their own musical experiences and the instruments and songs that had impacted their lives.
Too many times in our current society, young people shy away from older people. The interactions I observed today remind me how essential it is to foster inter-generational experiences to spark sonorous stories.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Friends comfort, connect, snuggle (or give needed hugs), help, play (or talk about books), and protect, according to Catherine. The photographs and narrative show almost unbelievable connections. One might exclaim, "Ohhh!" at the photographs, but upon reading, the rest of the story is revealed. A snuggling orangutan and tabby cat became friends after the former lost her mate; they remained companions for four more years. A basset hound and tawny owl snuggle together as the former watches television. They have joined each other on the couch for more than five years now. A scraggly Asiatic bear has protected a black cat for than 12 years now in a Berlin zoo.
Whether friendships are comfortable and comforting (like those I savored today) or unlikely and unusual like those in the book, the messages for life ring true. These books will soon be shared with some of my younger friends.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Through No Fault of My Own
Through No Fault of My Own is the diary of thirteen-year-old Coco (Clotilde) Irvine, penned in 1927 in St. Paul, Minnesota. She is unbelievably precocious, usually oblivious to the true opinions of the adults in her world, and daring beyond imagination. Coco believes she is no longer a child and is mortified each time her parents associate her with one. She believes HE, the boy she likes, is giving other signals each time he avoids her or says something derogatory. She dresses in her mother's clothing and shoes (tied on her smaller feet) to go dancing with her brother in her parents' absence, drives her sister's car alone around Manitou Island, and convinces her mother it is fine for boating on White Bear Lake despite strong winds.
The diary was found by journalist Peg Meier in the Minnesota Historical Society's archives and is an amusing and honest account of a young girl's life in the Jazz Age. Read it to experience the timelessness of a teenager's thoughts and experiences. But read it also to visit a past era that feels like it could be yesterday.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Last Day

At 3:20 p.m., students streamed from the building chanting, "Last Day of School!" Teachers (all clad in royal blue shirts proclaiming our school spirit) waited till their rooms were clear and streamed to the sidewalk to wave as 17 buses departed. Hands waved from half-open bus windows. Faces pressed against other windows. Voices yelled, "Goodbye!" and "Have a great summer!" Obliging bus drivers honked rhythmically. As the last bus turned from the playground gate, teachers clapped, wiped away tears, and hugged each other. Another school year is history.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Dear Dragon
A business letter is crafted by a rich woman who discovers an ad for "lovely crocodile shoes" while reading the newspaper with her lorgnette (a word I learned). She politely requests two pairs a friend, and the accompanying illustration shows her crocodile friend wearing rather elegant shoes. A bread-and-butter-letter is composed by one friends after another takes her ballooning for the weekend...and drops her an an island with savage beasts where she is seen dropping a letter in a bottle. Other letters express congratulations, social situations, thanks, regret, apology, acceptance, and get-well wishes. The book concludes with a letter from the author herself bidding the reader adieu.
What a treat to find such a treasure to share with children!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Yesterday's Google Doodle honored Richard Scarry (,2817,2386426,00.asp). He would have been 92 years old yesterday, and his books continue to be a mainstay in children's literature. From Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever, first published in 1963, children have integrated many of the 1,400 words into their vocabularies. This talented man's work built a foundation for reading and love of language, all the while making us smile.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Seeing Red
Last night guests were visiting the octagonal house, and I wanted to show them some of the old games in one of the fourth-floor bedrooms. The games were the same games I played at my grandmother's house! The twin beds in that room have the same white chenille bedspreads that covered beds in homes from my past. As the children were playing, I went across to a door I never opened in our house (those lower levels being sufficient for our living needs). It was a grim, dark red room with a large master bed, and it felt uncomfortably strange to me. I left it quickly and awoke wondering.
In daylight, I wonder why that red room felt odd. I always try to link my dream life to things in reality. Could it have been the beautiful red of the strawberry rhubarb pie we baked yesterday? Probably not. Most likely, I have internalized Jane Eyre's feeling about the room where Uncle Reed died at Gateshead Hall. My rereading of the novel is due to its inclusion in Gary Schmidt's Okay for Now. Though I have baked bread, walked around a lake, and attended a graduation open house, my thoughts are with Miss Jane Eyre today.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Delight in Books
When parents prioritize reading aloud to their children like his do, children benefit in so many ways. Their vocabularies soar. Their comprehension grows quickly. Their display excellent verbal skills. Their attention spans lengthen. Most of all - and most importantly - they take visible delight in books!
Friday, June 3, 2011
I Love This Place
Her sentiments about our library are echoed daily. Children resonate a sense of calm when they come to the library space. They sigh contentedly when they sit on the story steps or in the alcove. Their teachers do as well. Some children come every day just to look for a new book or to greet us. Some teachers come to sit in our rocking chair and share concerns (and have a piece of chocolate from the nearby cup of Dove Dark Chocolates). It is a place for feeling still and tranquil.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Composing Thoughts and Music
Not only did their work provide lunchtime enjoyment, but the compositions helped me compose my own thoughts for a few more hours of weeding and resource selection.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
More Weeding
Weeding is good for a library collection. It helps keep information sources current and accurate. It eliminates books that are in poor physical condition. It allows for contemplation of a collection's holes and abundances. Most of all, it keeps the librarian knowledgeable about the titles and subjects in the collection.
This week I have pondered science fair experiments, the planets, holidays, manners, language dictionaries, and social relationships. Many replacement titles were ordered for readers. They will have a more diverse selection of science fair options next year (but gosh, I wish that Mythbusters book was available in hardcover, not just paperback). They will read about the solar system that includes eight official planets, not nine. They will be able to select first language dictionaries that reflect their interests in learning new and foreign words.
It feels good to weed the collection, and my back does not hurt like it would were I bending over in the dirt!
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