I like that phrase. Rewinding the story. What if we could all rewind our stories more often and give back when kindness is bestowed upon us? Children recognize those behaviors. They model them for each other in little ways in our library...sharpening a pencil for someone else, saying "thank you" and "you're welcome" appropriately, finding a book for a classmate, even parting with a book choice so another person can enjoy it instead.
Two readers in the alcove were rewinding Inkheart (by Cornelia Funke) in a way. In what has been a popular trend this school year, they chose a book with two copies so they could read together and share in an informal book discussion. They were reading and rereading lines together, sometimes chorally, sometimes taking turns.
What a beautiful image: two readers sharing the same book and reading lines together. I've never seen that with kids at a school before (although you and I have read books together to your classes). Thank you...and thank your students.