Friday, February 10, 2012

May I Bring a Friend?

Unless librarians introduce children to certain books, some books might not reach children. The 1965 Caldecott Medal Winner is one such book. The bright pink spine is not especially appealing. The color palate is limited (and alternating with black and white pages). It is just not one that children choose on their own! Written by Beatrice Schenk de Regniers and illustrated by Beni Montresor, the rhymes are fun to read aloud, and the illustrations bring a surprise with each page turn. We read it aloud this week to first and second graders, and they giggled and gasped. All our copies were gone in a day!

1 comment:

  1. Another of the many important reasons for having qualified librarians in every school. Thank you for not letting these treasures be forgotten.
