Saturday, February 2, 2013

Drawing and Engineering

One thing I appreciate about writing blog posts is connecting with others who share similar interests. I learn so much from their writing, art, and photography, and it makes my creative life more interesting. When someone recommends a book, I check it out, and most recently, I was delighted by Rita's (Sketchbook Wandering) recommendation of Andrew Drew and Drew by Barney Saltzberg.

As I flip the pages (and flipped back to try it again), I marvel at how simple lines become objects. Though my adult mind knows Mr. Saltzberg drew the pictures, my imaginative mind believes in Andrew as he drags his pencil across the pages and layers. Curvy lines become creatures. Steps become a dinosaur. Nothing becomes a kite...and then a rocketship. Two hats and a curved line become a rabbit and then, magically, a bunch of rabbits surrounding Andrew. The paper engineering involved in making the pages and lines work is thoughtfully planned, making the book's flow mellifluous. In the end, "Andrew knew there would always be...more to draw tomorrow." I am inspired to try, yet again.


  1. Oh, yes, inspiration! Jewel will Draw & Draw! (or write or paint, or create in whatever way calls!) As I'd written to you, I think this book must have been inspired by Harold & his crayon...In childhood my Dad took me to a book fair & I saw a "Chalk Talk" where this artist kept flipping pages on an easel & transforming his drawings into a story...I know several books that give ideas for this form of story telling...For Andrew & most kids this process is so natural...for many adults it becomes more complicated. Still, it's so worth it to see what happens! I too learn from your teaching, reading & creative process. Thank you!

    1. I love your analysis of kids versus adults drawing. I can see that completely in myself. Did you ever see Don Freeman's little book THE CHALK BOX STORY?
