Songs and melodies evoke memories and stories. This morning I observed high school hand bell ringers at a local care center as they shared music with the residents. The young people read inspirational pieces between the songs and at one point spoke about the things for which they are grateful. It was the elderly residents whom I most enjoyed watching. As the rhythms resonated in the small gathering space, feet tapped, heads nodded, eyes brightened. The familiar songs brought out a youthfulness not present just minutes prior.
When the students finished ringing, they brought the bells (even these enormous bass bells) to the older people for them to hold and try ringing. More important, they shared stories about their own musical experiences and the instruments and songs that had impacted their lives.
Too many times in our current society, young people shy away from older people. The interactions I observed today remind me how essential it is to foster inter-generational experiences to spark sonorous stories.
I hope everyone involved sleeps sweetly tonight with the tinkling of bells threading gently through their dreams.