Friday, June 10, 2011


Today I retrieved my signed copies of Catherine Thimmesh's latest book Friends: True Stories of Extraordinary Animal Friendships at the Red Balloon Bookshop. The front window still sports Michael Hall's square designs. Inside, two of my dear friends were talking to the shop owners. Those two friends were with me all morning at another meeting - part work session, part friendship connection.

Friends comfort, connect, snuggle (or give needed hugs), help, play (or talk about books), and protect, according to Catherine. The photographs and narrative show almost unbelievable connections. One might exclaim, "Ohhh!" at the photographs, but upon reading, the rest of the story is revealed. A snuggling orangutan and tabby cat became friends after the former lost her mate; they remained companions for four more years. A basset hound and tawny owl snuggle together as the former watches television. They have joined each other on the couch for more than five years now. A scraggly Asiatic bear has protected a black cat for than 12 years now in a Berlin zoo.

Whether friendships are comfortable and comforting (like those I savored today) or unlikely and unusual like those in the book, the messages for life ring true. These books will soon be shared with some of my younger friends.


  1. It is a lonely life that is lived without friends.

  2. Isn't that an incredible book? Amazing photographs, and amazing true stories.

    From somewhere whose life is so much richer because of your friendship.
