Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Marvels Ahead

I marvel at the people I have met via the blog world and the ways my reading has been positively affected by their art, words, and responses. A lovely book arrived from one such talented and insightful blogger - Sketchbook Wandering - and I look forward to using it in the coming year to record some of the marvels I observe as I read and work with readers. Taking careful note of readers' ways of thinking and responding allows us to record anecdotal information about their habits and abilities. It also gives us a chance to reflect on our own reading processes as we model for them how readers think. The things we do automatically as adult readers are not so intuitive for inexperienced readers, and it is delightful to encounter their enthusiasm as they learn about themselves. Happy Reading! Happy New Year's Eve!


  1. I'm takin' your advice. Thanks!
    Make every single day in 2014 important.

  2. I hope you will share your "marvels" with us!

  3. Dear Jewel, Yay! So glad you like it & I'm honored by your words! But what happened to the colors? They look very different from the original...The black turned a light green & the greens turned yellow....I have a photo of it, tomorrow I might send it to you...
