Thursday, January 6, 2011

On a Quest

One tenacious 5th grader visits the library at least twice a day. He even requested that guests to his last birthday party bring a book to donate to the library instead of a gift for him!His reading tastes vary, so it is not generally difficult to match him to a book he is willing to read. Yesterday, he left with four books from the Deltora Quest series. This morning, he came to the library office before school and asked what we thought he did last night. Hmm. We knew he read, but he loved that we never guessed he completed all four books - before dinner even! Finding the right book for the right reader is sometimes a challenge, but listening to a reader's enthusiastic reports about his reading life is always uplifting.


  1. Oh, if only the author of Deltora Quest could read this story.

  2. Wow! Perhaps he'll be a librarian...or author...or just a very bright and happy young man! I'm not familiar with the Deltora Quest series, and I'm not sure if I have enough stamina to finish any series in one sitting before dinner!
